Event facilities

Travel & Parking

See the how to find us page for directions to Flamstead.

See the 2014 Festival Map for locations of the car parks. Some roads in Flamstead are narrow and/or are bus routes. Please park considerately, using the car parks if possible, and respecting the needs of local residents.


Locations: in the Spotted Dog. (There are no facilities in the Church.)

Disabled Access

The church has wheelchair access by means of ramps.

There is limited parking for disabled people outside the main entrance; see the 2014 Festival Map. Please contact the organisers in advance.

Difficulties & Emergencies

Contact one of the stewards in the Church should you need help such as first aid or finding a lost child.

Book Sales & Signings

Waterstones St Albans are supporting the Festival and will be selling Barry Norman’s books. Book sales take place in the church.

After the talk there will the opportunity to meet the author and have your new book signed.


The Festival is raising funds for the Friends of St Leonard’s (FOSL) for the conservation and repair of the church building and its surroundings.

While at the Festival do have a look at the mediaeval wall paintings and enjoy the outside space that also serves as the village green. We need funds to maintain this heritage for the benefit of future generations.